
Beyond a Fad: Telemedicine’s Enduring Impact Redefines Healthcare

Forget fleeting trends. Telemedicine, a digital wave reshaping healthcare, is here to stay. Driven by workforce pressures, surging home care demands, and retailization’s growing shadow, telemedicine’s significance goes far beyond a convenient stopgap. As Reenita Das, Vice President and Partner, Healthcare and Lifesciences. practice, Frost & Sullivan, expertly reveals, this

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Alhosn App: Digital Tool of Healthy UAE

As technology and innovation continue to advance rapidly, healthcare systems worldwide are embracing digital tools to improve public health outcomes. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a global leader in harnessing the power of digital technologies to improve public health outcomes, creating a healthier future for its younger generations. -Harshad

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The Growing Trend: Kidney Stones in the Young

Until a few decades ago, kidney stones were primarily associated with middle-aged white men. However, recent data reveals a concerning shift in the demographics affected by this painful condition. Today, kidney stones are increasingly being diagnosed in younger individuals, particularly during the summer season. The rise of kidney stones among

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Augnito: Revolutionizing Healthcare with Voice AI Technology

“The future of healthcare lies in the adoption of artificial intelligence technologies. At Augnito, we make this future accessible today; using everyone’s most intuitive means of communication—Speech.” – Rustom Lawyer, Co-Founder & CEO, Augnito Addressing Healthcare’s Billion-Dollar Problem There is a pressing need for truly digitized and interoperable global healthcare

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The Second International Pharma Logistics Masterclass: A White Paper

By Mohammed Irshad The White Paper of the 2022 International Pharma Logistics Masterclass has been released, summarizing the key takeaways from this unique learning event. The masterclass brought together over 120 life science supply chain logistics experts, business executives, international academics, and policymakers representing 50 companies and 5 renowned universities

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